Alfred Lang

University of Bern, Switzerland

Site Page Special

Acknowledgments and Name Index for cooperators, colleagues, and students

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© 1998 by Alfred Lang

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This page gives a list of names of people who have, over the years, substantially contributed to my work in some "official" form of cooperation. Among them are colleagues in my institution in all stages of my career, cooperators in connection with my university duties and research projects, colleagues in the function of organizer of symposia and editor of books, and -- last, not least -- students who in their thesis work (Seminararbeiten, Vordiplomarbeiten, Diplomarbeiten, Doktorarbeiten, Habilitationsarbeiten) who have contributed to what has found expression in my writings. Naturally, this is an open and waxing list of which I can give here only this sort of "institutionalized" section. There were and are uncounted dialogical discussion partners absolutely essential for the development of ideas -- in personal communication, in correspondence, in the form of electronic discussion lists, virtual encounters in the literature, scientific and "political" friends --; they cannot be listed here. But I wish to include them all in my genuine feelings of gratitude, the substantially critical voices as much if not more than the supportive companions. My becoming is not to separate from their transacting.

I plan to gradually add to the site instructive sections of students' work.

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Ahrens, Susanne

Bally, Anna

Baltisberger, Ingrid

Bäumle, Etienne

Billaud, Chantal

Blümli, Eugen

Boesch, Ernst E.

Bos, Gerrit

Brönnimann, Monika

Brütsch, Esther

Bühlmann, Kilian 1987_gemeinschaft_vereins | 1995_wohnen_alter

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Calmonte, Roland 1984_lokfuehrer_handeln | 1988_timbre_constancy

Cole, Michael 1992_acting_in_culture

Danziger, Kurt @time.htm

Escher, Barbara von

Eyer, Camille

Famos, Sylvia

Foppa, Klaus 1991_richard_meili_worte | 1982_gertrud_meili_siebzig

Foppa-Würsten, Ruth

Fuhrer, Urs 1989_men_comp_&fuhrer | 1993_introboesch&fuhrer

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Geiselmann, Fred 1990_seele_comic_&geiselm

Groner, Rudolf 1980_richard_meili_achtzig

Grünig Keller, Franziska

Güggi, Stefanie 1995_wohnen_alter

Gugler, Karin

Gurtner, Anton

Haeberle, Wilhelm 1989_sinn_dinge

Halter, Camille 1990_seele_comic_&halter | 1990_seele_comic_&geiselm

Hangartner, Urs

Harnisch, Brigitte

Hofer, Rainer

Hoffmann, Volker 1997_93_denkmalpflege

Hurni-Schlegel, Lisbeth 1978_abs_musikgehör | 1978_tonhoehen_&hurni

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Kaddour, Semi

Kaiser Florian

Kaiser El-Safti, Margret carl_stumpf_symposium

Käsermann, Marie Louise

Kaufmann, Franz 1978_reiz_zustand_wahrn

Kaufmann-Hayoz, Ruth 1978_reiz_zustand_wahrn.

Kaufmann-Jungen, Ursula 1978_abs_musikgehör

Keller Grünig, Franziska

Kleine, Christoph

Kopp, Walter

Krebs Rene

Kühne, Klaus

Kunz, Barbara 1998

Kuonen, Manfred

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Lischner, Karin

Loder, Beatrice

Lohr, Winfried 1963

Lüthi, Theresia 1998

Lüscher, Kurt 1988_oekosystem_wohnen

Maggi, Markus

Maritz-Knoll, Sonja

Markwalder, Etienne

Marty, Isabel 1995_wohnen_alter

Marxer, Manuela

Maurer, Ursula

Mayinger, Cornelia

Mumenthaler, Babette M. 1998

Nägele, Christoph

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Oberli, Eric 1987_gemeinschaft_vereinsamung

Pfister Christian 1984_allg_oekologie

Pulver, Urs 1961_01| 1978 1978_diagnostik_autonomie| 1978_diagnostik_beratung| 1978_diagnostik_nachwort

Reaithel, Arne 1992_acting_in_culture

Reisbeck, Clemens

Richner, Margrit

Ritz, Willy

Roellin, Rebekka

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Schaer Moser, Marianne 1997_innen_aussen_&schaer | 1998_kupsyerlangen

Schaller, Roger 1982 1982_gestaltungsqual_literatur

Schläppi Schreiber, Sabine

Schmid, Fred W. 1978_diagnostik_autonomie | 1978_diagnostik_beratung | 1978_diagnostik_nachwort

Schnell, Dieter

Schönpflug, Wolfgang 1992_lewin_genesereihen

Schreiber, Erwin

Schüpbach, Anna

Schwinges, Rainer 1995_person_kultur

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Siegenthaler, Katrin

Slongo, Daniel 1990_alterspolitik_&slongo| 1991_wohnpsyprojekt | 1997_kupsymethodologie

Stadler, Stefanie

Stark, Mario

Stoll, François

Stuber, Lotti

Stucki, Elisabeth

Stucki, Markus 1978_abs_musikgehör |

Stucki, Walter

Studer, Hubert 1993_warum_wohnen | 1995_wohnen_alter| 1997_kupsymethodologie

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Valsiner, Jaan 1997_boeschrichsimple_p

Vogt, Beatrice

Wechlser, Yvonne

Weisskopf, Traugott 1984_allg_oekologie

Zimmermann, Heinrich 1988_timbre_constancy

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